Index of /mp3s/strange_parade/PRACTICE_JAMS_nIDEAS
- Parent Directory
- 02 The Watchers.mp3
- 03 The Climb 2.mp3
- 04 The Sometimes Girls.mp3
- 04_BAG OF BLOOD 2d.mp3
- 04_Sometimes Girls (rough 14).mp3
- 06 Evangeline.mp3
- 08 Smoking Gun.mp3
- 08_DOORBELL 5 vrb.mp3
- 1 Fast Jam SP pad - 11_13_21, 10.18 AM.m4a
- 1 Payroll edt - 11_13_21, 12.53 PM.m4a
- 12_Coal.mp3
- 13_Camera Comes On_realrough.mp3
- 16_Coming In (new vox)1.mp3
- 1984 1 (vibey) 221128-009.wav
- 1984 2 Mix wEndTail 11_19_22, 10.08 AM.m4a
- 1984 Epic Vibey Jam 3pc 12 19 21 IMG_5713.m4a
- 5 17 Payroll 2.m4a
- A New_Year_1c.mp3
- Apr 11 22 Jam Pt1 edt - 4_17_22, 7.21 AM.m4a
- Apr 4 Jam Long Vers - 4_17_22, 9.14 AM.m4a
- Bass Loop Jam wJP IMG_7352.m4a
- Bass Loop and New Jam - 8:24:22, 10.23 AM.mp3
- Bass Loop and New Jam - 8_24_22, 10.23 AM.mp3
- Bass Loop wAsh SP JAM 95.m4a
- Bday Jame Kitchen Sync reEdit 1_4_23, 6.22 PM.m4a
- Camera On 1 - 8_31_20, 5.28 PM copy.m4a
- Carrie Ann (SL Lounge 57)- 5_9_22, 7.11 PM.m4a
- Carrie Ann 1 221128-003.wav
- Carrie Ann 1 IMG_7071.m4a
- Carrie Ann 1 Jan 3 23 230103-006 1_4_23, 9.29 AM.m4a
- Carrie Ann 2 221128-004.wav
- Carrie Ann 2 n new JAM Jan 3 23 230103-007 1_4_23, 9.34 AM.m4a
- Carrie Ann 3 221128-005.wav
- Carrie Ann 4 221128-006.wav
- Chess With Becky 2 (practice).MP3
- Coal 3pc 080102-011 - 3_1_19, 5.07 PM.m4a
- Coming In (new vox)1.mp3
- Conscience of the 'Clean'.mp3
- Dan n Brian Jam 1 11_16_22, 5.50 PM.m4a
- Dan n Brian Jam 2 - 11_16_22, 4.42 PM.m4a
- Dan n Brian Jam 3 11_16_22, 8.10 PM.m4a
- Don't Be Long fin1.mp3
- Dont Stop 1 - 10_19_22, 3.45 PM.m4a
- Dont Stop 11 7 11_11_22, 10.59 AM.m4a
- Dont Stop 2 - 10_19_22, 3.49 PM.m4a
- Dont Stop 2 wIntro 221128-002.wav
- Dont Stop 3 - 10_19_22, 3.49 PM.m4a
- Doorbell 2 4 11 22 - 4_14_22, 6.50 PM.m4a
- Doorbell 2 IMG_6979.m4a
- Elenor Dig Me v1g.mp3
- Erratic Jam 3 Pt 2 pls New Recording 19 mash 2 242 change - 6_19_22, 10.26 AM.m4a
- Explosion_12.1.09.mp3
- Fairway 1 - 8_13_22, 7.37 AM.mp3
- Fairway 3_8:24:22, 10.20 AM.mp3
- Fairway 4 220829-008.mp3
- Fairway end - 8_13_22, 7.45 AM.m4a
- Fast Dub edt1- 1_7_22, 12.16 PM.m4a
- Fishing Hole vrb.mp3
- Garden Song . Very - 7_5_20, 5.56 PM copy.m4a
- Garden Song w_.Chimes 080328-001.mp3
- Garden Song w_.Chimes 080328-001.wav
- Graduation Day attpmt 230220-000.mp3
- Growing_3.31.17.mp3
- Growing_9.6.11 (new vox).mp3
- HEavy Fretal jam - 8:24:22, 10.24 AM.mp3
- Headless & Harmless (5 2).mp3
- Here in My Head IMG_8553.m4a
- Improv Jam GB10_19_22, 3.16 PM.m4a
- Jam 1 - 9_28_21, 3.19 PM.m4a
- Jam 1 1 9 18.mp3
- Jam 2 Andrita St 181.m4a
- Jam 3 - 9_28_21, 3.31 PM.m4a
- Jam 4 - 9_28_21, 5.14 PM.m4a
- Jam _ Smoking Gun Home 15.mp3
- Jam into Vibey STE-011 - 8_20_23, 12.00 PM.m4a
- Jan 30 One Jam - 2_15_23, 8.29 AM.m4a
- Just Play ZOOM0042.MP3
- Little Foot jam 221128-010.wav
- New Jam Kitchen Sync 230103-005 1_4_23, 9.39 AM.m4a
- New Recording 60.m4a
- No Really Thanks Mike jam 8 22 22 - 8:24:22, 10.29 AM.mp3
- Noise Keys_Drums inst song idea_edt_Flat.mp3
- Non-Vibey Jam pt 3 Apr 11 edt - 4_17_22, 8.37 AM.m4a
- NuclearAge_Mix2.mp3
- Payroll edt - 11_13_21, 12.53 PM.m4a
- Pt 1 Non-Vibey jam 4_17_22, 7.49 AM.m4a
- Romance2 Mixdown 2.mp3
- SP Mo Beach jam i think Andrita St 181.m4a
- SP Quick Song Idea Home 23 EDT Loopd1 - 6_18_22, 11.23 PM.m4a
- SP Vibey Jam Cobbled edt1 - 6_19_22, 11.19 AM.m4a
- SP Warmup Jam - 3_4_21, 1.10 PM.m4a
- SP jam 1 12 19.m4a
- SP jam 2 12 19.m4a
- STE-000.wav
- STRAGNE PARADE LIVING ROOMS practice recs.docx
- Smoking Gun HPB 10_4.m4a
- Spoons (Flamenco Mix2) 1 10 practice - 1_11_22, 4.54 PM.m4a
- Spoons - intro Frankenspoons edt - 12_15_21, 6.45 PM.m4a
- Spoons 1 IMG_6971.m4a
- Spoons 2 bkdwn feel IMG_6919 42922.m4a
- Spoons 3 Jan 3 230103-003 1_4_23, 9.46 AM.m4a
- Spoons 4 Jan 3 230103-004 1_4_23, 9.50 AM.m4a
- Spoons Inst - 9_28_21, 5.05 PM.m4a
- Sync Elec Jam idea 220829-000.mp3
- THE LONG ONE first edit.mp3
- Telescope (Bonus Track).mp3
- Thank You Mike 1 8 22 22 - 8:24:22, 10.26 AM.mp3
- The Watchers (ext jam) - 9_18_19, 11.56 AM.m4a
- This Dance_1.mp3
- Twirl (fxd).mp3
- Very Cool into Dont Stop exp - 10_29_22, 2.47 PM.m4a
- Very Tank good drums seb thing Output 51.mp3
- Very elec ambient nice 230115-000.mp3
- Vibey Jam Pt2 (Vibey) - 4_17_22, 8.13 AM.m4a
- Vibey into n1984 2 exp - 11_7_22, 3.38 PM.m4a
- Voyage Jan 30 One Jam - 2_15_23, 8.29 AM.m4a
- Voyage PL Jan 30.mp3
- Voyage edt Jan 30 2023 - 4_14_23, 2.06 PM.m4a
- WIshing 1 - 8_13_22, 7.47 AM.m4a
- Wishing 2 - 8_13_22, 7.51 AM.m4a
- YBirdsish Jam New Recording 74.m4a
- Yardcrows New Recording 74.m4a
- needless & dumb 1 2.mp3
- whuut_Open Jam 1.mp3